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NEW Video recordings from the 6th CLARIN Annual Conference, Budapest 2017

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The video recordings from the the 6th CLARIN Annual Conference in Budapest have been uploaded to CLARIN page.

The CLARIN Annual Conference is the main annual event for those working on the construction and operation of CLARIN across Europe, as well as for representatives of the communities of use in the humanties and social sciences. This event is organized by CLARIN ERIC in collaboration with the Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

The conference took place in Budapest, Hungary from Monday, 18 September, to Wednesday, 20 September, 2017.


Invited talks

Literary translations and tools for stylometric research  |  Karina van Dalen-Oskam

From multilingual to cross-lingual processing for Social Sciences and Humanities  |  Piek Vossen


Presentation by local organizer

Presentation on CLARIN in Hungary  |  Tamás Váradi


Paper presentations

Open Stylometric System WebSty: Towards Multilingual and Muiltipurpose Workbench  |  Maciej Piasecki, Tomasz Walkowiak

Machine Exploration of Secondary Literature with Literary Exploration Machine  |  Maciej Piasecki, Tomasz Walkowiak

Involving users and collaborating between disciplines in making cultural heritage accessible for research  |  Rickard Domeij

Authorship and ownership in the digital oral archives domain: The digital archive in the CLARIN-IT repository  |  Silvia Calamai

A Bridge from EUDAT’s B2DROP cloud service to CLARIN’s Language Resource Switchboard  |  Claus Zinn

Digital Muqtabas CTS Integration in CLARIN  |  Jochen Tiepmar

CORLI: a linguistic consortium for corpus, language and interaction  |  Christophe Parisse

Many a Little Makes a Mickle – Infrastructure Component Reuse for a Massively Multilingual Linguistic Study  |  Lars Borin

Parliamentary Corpora in the CLARIN infrastructure  |  Jakob Lenardič

Component Metadata Infrastructure Best Practices for CLARIN  |  Menzo Windhouwer

Implementation of an Open Science Policy in the context of management of CLARIN language resources: a need for changes?  |  Penny Labropoulou, Aleksei Kelli

Examining Web User Flows and Behavioursin CLARIN Ecosystem  |  Go Sugimoto


The Steven Krauwer Award ceremony

The Steven Krauwer Award ceremony



Karina van Dalen-Oskam

Piek Vossen

Lars Borin

Rickard Domeij and Jens Edlund

Maciej Piasecki and Tomasz Walkowiak

Organizing the CLARIN Conference

Collaboration with other Research Infrastructures: DARIAH

Brian MacWhinney