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Lithuania to be part of CLARIN ERIC

Submitted by Arjan van Hessen on

It is of paramount importance for Lithuania to join CLARIN for a number of reasons common to most member states. i.e.

  • for the possibility to share tools and resources,
  • to get the know-how and the most recent updates in the field of language technologies,
  • to adopt common standards and legal standpoints,
  • to be able to communicate in the field of SSH research
  • to start new projects with the members of CLARIN community, as well as to provide young researchers and doctoral students with a networking possibility.

Reasons that are very specific for a small country like Lithuania include quality control of home-made tools and resources, better visibility and co-operation with similar minded as in our own country we lack critical mass of people in this field. Last and not least the requirement for its members to build a national consortium in a member state is a good impetus to pool our effort and resources for the national CLARIN centre.

The Lithuanian language is the most conservative of the living Indo-European languages, thus the Lithuanian language resources will enrich the CLARIN infrastructure with some interesting linguistic data.