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Centre news vol. 65 - April 2024

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

OSCARS cascading grants: deadline 15 May

As you might have seen at OSCARS 1st Open Call for Open Science Projects and Services or at EU Funding & Tenders Portal there is an interesting opportunity to submit proposals via the OSCARS project. There is a significant budget (13 mio EUR) and with a funding rate between 100k and 250k EUR this means that around 50 to 100 proposals can be funded.

We recently published some ideas about how to relate proposals to the CLARIN and SSHOC research infrastructures.

CLARIN technical open hour, Monday 8 April at 11:00 CEST

The next edition of the CLARIN technology open hour is planned for Monday 8 April at 11:00 CEST. You can join virtually and ask our developers and infrastructure specialists anything. The special topic of this open hour is CLARIN-DSpace version 7. Anyone is welcome to join!

Deadline Centre Assessment Round approaching

The deadline for the upcoming B-centre assessment round is 30 April 2024.

If you would like to participate in this 23rd round, please make sure to use:

New on the CLARIN forum

Planned Maintenance

More information at