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Centre news vol. 62 - December 2023

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

CLARIN technical open hour, Monday 11 December at 11:00 CET

The fourth edition of the CLARIN technology open hour is planned for next Monday at 11:00 CET. You can join virtually and ask our developers and infrastructure specialists anything. Anyone is welcome to join!

Spain joins Service Provider Federation

Now that Spain has joined CLARIN , all Spanish academic institutions have been added to the Service Provider Federation, allowing researchers to use password-protected CLARIN services with their own institutional account.

Marking as safe domain

Over the past months there have been issues with emails sent via the CLARIN mailman mailing lists ( not arriving for those using a mail server hosted in the Microsoft 365 cloud. We warmly recommend anyone using outlook or exchange interested in emails from CLARIN (such as this one!) to add as a safe domain.

CoreTrustSeal looking for CLARIN-affiliated reviewers

The CoreTrustSeal would like to invite members of the CLARIN community to step up as reviewer. If you are interested, please get in touch with the CoreTrustSeal team.

Website on Drupal 10 and editorial improvements

The CLARIN website has been updated to Drupal version 10. While this is mostly relevant to its editors, you might also notice a lot of editorial improvements – many pages are being rewritten and restructured. If you spot anything that can be improved, please report it via the Website Feedback form that you can find in the footer of each page.

FAIR Digital Objects summit 2024 call for papers

The call for papers for the FDO summit 2024 is open until 15 December.