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Centre news vol. 59 - September 2023

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

Deadline Centre Assessment Round approaching

The deadline for the upcoming B-centre assessment round is 31 October 2023.

If you would like to participate in this 22nd round, please make sure to use:

CLARIN technical open hour, 11 September at 11:00 CEST

As an experiment, next week Monday CLARIN will be hosting an open hour on CLARIN technology. You can join virtually and ask our developers and infrastructure specialists anything. Anyone is welcome to join!

Two B-centres and two C-centres Receive CoreTrustSeal 

Two CLARIN B-centres (Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig and the ILC4CLARIN Centre at the Institute for Computational Linguistics in Pisa) as well as two C-centres (Language Archive Cologne and Open Resources and TOols for LANGuage  in France) have been granted the CoreTrustSeal

For the B-centres in Leipzig and Pisa this means they now carry the B-centre status for another three years. Congratulations!

Read & Watch

New software releases

Curation Module and Linkchecker: new major versions

  • the linkchecker-api provides two new URLs to lookup the latest status results of a list of URLs and a status result history for a list of URLs
  • the linkchecker uses an improved algorithm which allows us to check ~150k links per day instead of 2k-20k we had before
  • curation has a link now to display the status results of the latest 100 checks.
  • We added the facet »temporalCoverage« in the scoring, take the format from the resource mime-type, if not set in another tag, and we're declaring files without resources as »non processable« - all this might have an impact on the individual scoring.

Details can be found in the release notes of the Curation Dashboard and the Link Checker

Update Digital Humanities Course Registry

New versions of the DHCR application have been released. After adding a lot of new features (complete new login area, FAQ's, national moderator overview, and many more) last year, the focus for the first half year of 2023 is on updating the application and working on technical issues.

Highlights of the latest versions:

  • The application and the have been migrated to an up-to-date version of the PHP technology and the framework.
  • A new email structure was introduced, with one central helpdesk email address, which is also reflected in the emails sent by the application to users.
  • For the emails sent by the application for reference purposes, a new email address was created as well, which is now accessible by all the members of the team.

As always, more details can be found in the release notes.

FDO Conference: 20 to 22 March 2024 in Berlin

From 20 to 22. March 2024 the second Fair Digital Objects Conference will be held in Berlin under the slogan: FAIR Digital Objects: From Theory to Practice.