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Centre news vol. 44 - August 2019

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

CLARIN SPF extended with Cyprus

All CLARIN service providers are now also accessible to academic users from Cyprus. Currently, over 1800 identity providers are connected in total.

New CLARIN Identity Provider version

On Monday 26 August, at 10:00 CEST the CLARIN Identity Provider will be upgraded to the latest version of UnityIDM. No downtime is foreseen. Service Providers do not need to change their configuration. Most important improvements for end-users are a faster user interface and the longer validity of the confirmation link (1 month instead of 48 hours).

DataCite membership

As of July, CLARIN has officially joined DataCite as direct member. On the short term, this will allow the issuing of DOIs from within applications like the Virtual Collection Registry. We will also look at the potential of DOIs to be used at certified CLARIN (B) centres. 

In any case, "pure" handles, next to DOIs, will remain an accepted persistent identifier within the CLARIN infrastructure. CLARIN ERIC also remains a member of EPIC. We plan to provide documentation on which system works best for which use case.

DH Course Registry API

The DH Course Registry is evolving – first part of the coming next generation platform is a fully featured data for read-only database access. The API provides various query scenarios, filters and finally enables research on historical data ingested into the registry since its start five years ago. The metadata model and overall documentation complies to the OpenAPI 3.0 standard, presented on Swagger.


The DH Course Registry API (DHCR-API) is now being beta-tested and available here.

We invite researchers, developers and API-consumers to visit and share their ideas or features you are still missing. Comments on coding or documentation best-practices are very much welcome. All feedback can be sent to the DH Course Registry developer Hendrik Schmeer via hendrik [at] (hendrik[at]clarin[dot]eu).