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Centre news vol. 36 - February 2018

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

Centre assessments

Next assessment round

The deadline of the next B-centre assessment round is 28 March. If you wish to participate but did not express this earlier on, please inform your national centre committee representative so that we can inventorize the total amount of requests on 7 March.

Updated checklist

The newest version (6) of the B-centre checklist is now available. There are no major changes, this is mostly an update to replace the Data Seal of Approval by the CoreTrustSeal and to update some URLs.

The CoreTrustSeal

As communicated around the end of 2017, there is now clarity about the CoreTrustSeal fee requirement. We have reached an agreement with the on quantum discounts; CLARIN will pay the fee for all candidate B centres from member and observer countries in 2018. After one year we will evaluate the CoreTrustSeal procedure and decide on the potential continuation of this model.

Protocol validator services

The following services have recently been updated:

  • The FCS endpoint validator now supports the newest version of the Federated Content Search protocol. Thanks to the colleagues at IDS and Språkbanken to make this possible!

  • The OAI-PMH validator which is kindly hosted by the CLARIN-PL colleagues has been updated to a newer version and some other issues were addressed as well.

Various roadmaps and work plans

Recently, the following plans have been made and published:


The software behind the CLARIN Identity Provider, UnityIDM, will be updated on Thursday 1 March, between 14:00 and 14:30 CET (more details on the nature of the update). The expected downtime is about 5 minutes. Please sysops [at] (contact us) if you think this timeslot is problematic. As always, announcements like this are also available at

Hackathon in Berlin, 19-20 March

Reminder: CLARIN and IEEE are co-organizing a Hackathon. Read more about it on our website.