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Centre News vol. 17 - November 2014

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

CLARIN welcomes 2 new members!

Good news to start with - the CLARIN family has recently grown. Sweden and Lithuania have officially become CLARIN members. CLARIN congratulates these new national consortia; more details will soon be provided at the CLARIN website.

Virtual Collection Registry 1.0 is there

The offical production version of the Virtual Collection Registry is now available. (You can safely ignore the beta label, that is a technical issue that will be fixed.) Read at the website what it is and how you can use it. Feedback is welcome at vcr [at] (vcr[at]clarin[dot]eu).

Updated inventory

Thanks to the work of the LINDAT team, the old LRT inventory has been completely reworked and integrated into the CLARIN infrastructure. Even the metadata it contains has been extensively curated.

Upcoming server maintenance

On Saturday 8 November, several services hosted at the MPI will be unavailable, due to network maintenance. Our apologies for the inconvenience!

Listing the CLARIN services

Did you know that there is now a single webpage where you can find all CLARIN services? And that CLARIN-PL and CELR are now providing depositing services too?

Improved version of the discovery service

You might have read it already: the CLARIN discovery service runs now at the RZG computing centre. This will ensure a higher availability. A nice addition is that the logos (where available) are displayed for the organisations you can choose from.

CLARIN Events: Annual Conference and /DataCite workshop - presentations and papers

The presentations and papers of the Annual Conference are now online. The same goes for the DOI/DataCite workshop.

External Events: INNET repository workshop

The presentations about repsitory systems at the INNET workshop have been published too (bottom of the page).

Problems with updates: solved

Some memory configuration issues resulted in problems when updating the VLO over the past 2 weeks. Yesterday this was solved. At the same time some new collections are available: the CLARIN-PL collection and the LDC corpus catalogue.

FAQ of the week: How do I setup a Shibboleth Service Provider?

Read on to learn more...